The Fantome controversy
Article Abstract:
In the wake of licensing of a treasure-hunting company LeChameau Explorations Limited, by Nova Scotia, which focuses on profit-oriented business of underwater sites, the need to hire provincial nautical archaeologists, to curb such immoral practices, is suggested.
Publication Name: Archaeology
Subject: Anthropology/archeology/folklore
ISSN: 0003-8113
Year: 2006
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Edge of an ethical dilemma: should a conservator risk her reputation to preserve suspect artifacts, or let them fall apart?
Article Abstract:
A deteriorating Roman sword whose providence is not established brings up the ethical issues surrounding the conservation of artifacts. A conservator can be liable for damages to an artifact if he or she alters the object without its true ownerEs permission.
Publication Name: Archaeology
Subject: Anthropology/archeology/folklore
ISSN: 0003-8113
Year: 2007
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Profiteers on the high seas
Article Abstract:
The educational aspects of maritime archaeology are described. The need to regulate the commercial exploitation of national heritage by maritime archaeologists is discussed.
Publication Name: Archaeology
Subject: Anthropology/archeology/folklore
ISSN: 0003-8113
Year: 2007
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