The hand of fate in Tatiana Proskouriakoff's career
Article Abstract:
A recently discovered news clipping reveals that Tatiana Proskouriakoff, noted for her translation of Mayan hieroglyphics in Guatemala, was turned down for an expedition to Persia just before she traveled to Central America. If she had been accepted her contribution to the understanding of Mayan hieroglyphics would have been lost.
Publication Name: Expedition
Subject: Anthropology/archeology/folklore
ISSN: 0014-4738
Year: 2001
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A crowning achievement: Zelia Nuttall in Czarist Russia
Article Abstract:
This article describes Aztec scholar Zelia Nuttall's trip to Russia in 1896, acting as a representative of the University of Pennsylvania Museum, to establish artifact and publication exchanges and to offer financial assistance to Russian excavations in exchange for a share of that country's discoveries.
Publication Name: Expedition
Subject: Anthropology/archeology/folklore
ISSN: 0014-4738
Year: 2000
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Article Abstract:
A brief history of the life and career of the highly popular Mexican comedian and trickster Mario Moreno Reyes, also known as Cantinflas, is presented.
Publication Name: Expedition
Subject: Anthropology/archeology/folklore
ISSN: 0014-4738
Year: 2007
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