Green depot
Article Abstract:
Architect Paul Bierman-Lytle has teamed up with Manhattan's Canal Jean Co owner Ira Russack toconvert the Canal Jean building in Soho into a one-stop shopping center for environmentally-friendly building materials. The eco-mall will carry a wide range of environmentally safe products including recycled clothes, rain forest products, low-toxic paints and devices to recycle toilet water. The showroom was designed to reflect the owners environmental concerns. This was achieved byusing simple materials such as wood, stone and plaster without petroleum-based additives.
Publication Name: Interiors
Subject: Architecture and design industries
ISSN: 0164-8470
Year: 1992
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Native Americans
Article Abstract:
Architect William McDonough collaborated with the Gloabal Infrastructure Foundation headed by Stephen Gomes for the design and development of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, a prototype of a self-sufficient Indian village. The village was situated in the hillside area to improve heat retention in the houses given the windy conditions in the area. The houses were made of double thick, adobe brick made of locally-available clay and timber. The houses were finished with super glazing to enhance insulation.
Publication Name: Interiors
Subject: Architecture and design industries
ISSN: 0164-8470
Year: 1993
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Green mall
Article Abstract:
Fred Segal for a Better Ecology is a shopping center in Santa Monica, CA that is devoted to environmentally safe products. However, only about half the tenants retail environmentally oriented products, and the building itself has been criticized as insufficiently advanced in its environmental technology. Despite these shortcomings, the mall is a showcase for environmental retailing and may help bring such efforts to the attention of investors.
Publication Name: Interiors
Subject: Architecture and design industries
ISSN: 0164-8470
Year: 1992
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- Abstracts: Greening Wal-Mart. Viva la luz. Creative outlet
- Abstracts: A zen dragon. Forties something. Salon as sanctuary
- Abstracts: Growth center. Detailed vernacular. Designers rate...
- Abstracts: Perfect blend. Invisible sources. Visual comfort
- Abstracts: University of California Irvine Family Health Center. Health center