Sound overhaul
Article Abstract:
Finegold Alexander and Assoc's rehabilitation of the Wang Center for the Performing Arts entailed the improvement of audience sight lines and theater acoustics. The project involved the redesign of the existing orchestra pit, the addition of a reversible system of track-mounted panels and the installation of an energy-efficient ice-storage unit to replace the existing air-conditioning system. The panels consisted of sound-absorptive insulation on one side and wood on the other to suit the performances' acoustical requirements. The elevation of the theater seating improved the audience's sight lines.
Publication Name: Interiors
Subject: Architecture and design industries
ISSN: 0164-8470
Year: 1992
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Group privacy
Article Abstract:
Scholastic Inc's office in Soho, New York, NY, posed some design constraints for Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Assoc architects. The client wanted an office conducive to work groups and the design provided for more open and semi-enclosed areas. The architects used varying partition heights so that these will act as sound diffusers and provide privacy to the group work areas. The office's vaulted terra cotta ceilings posed another potential acoustical problem and the architects addressed this by spraying the surface with vermiculite cement which will absorb sound.
Publication Name: Interiors
Subject: Architecture and design industries
ISSN: 0164-8470
Year: 1992
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Sound wall
Article Abstract:
The Taipei Theater in Manhattan, New York, NY, boasts of innovative acoustical features. These consisted of an insulated wall system which blocked out mechanical noise and a curtain system which can be drawn or retracted electronically depending on the theater's use. Red-oak slats cover the curtain system. Meanwhile, the stage design heightened the sound of dancers' footsteps due to a conductive airspace and rubber absorbers sandwiched by a concrete slab base and a maple floor.
Publication Name: Interiors
Subject: Architecture and design industries
ISSN: 0164-8470
Year: 1992
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