Article Abstract:
According to Verbund director Herbert Schrofelbauer, the German power company Bayernwerk is interested in combining its hydro power capacities with those of Verbundgesellschaft . While Bayernwerk would not comment, Mr Schrofelbauer says that Verbund's first priority is in Austria. Reportedly Verbund is in talks with power producers from Carinthia, Salzburg, Styria and Upper Austria about hydro power cooperation. Bayernwerk's annual hydro power production amounts to about 3,170 GWh, while that of Verbund is more than three times as high. In September 1999 Verbund's hydro power subsidiaries Donaukraft, Tauernkraft, Verbundkraft and Verbund Elektrizitatserzeugungs-Gesellschaft (VEG) will merge. Draukraft is to join the company later. Bayernwerk and Verbund operate jointly five hydro power stations of Osterreichisch-Bayerische Kraftwerke (OBK) , and Bayernwerk has the Jochenstein hydro power station in Austria.
Publisher: Unabhaengige Tageszeitungs fuer Oesterreich
Publication Name: Presse
Subject: Business, international
Year: 1999
Foreign operations, Germany, Joint ventures, Hydroelectric Power, Hydroelectric Power Generation, Bayernwerk AG
Article Abstract:
Verbundgesellschaft is hoping to raise Sch 1.8bn with the sale of four power stations. It has hired the investment bank Morgan Stanley to find buyers for the gas-and-oil power station in Korneuburg, the hard coal power stations in St. Andra and Zeltweg and the brown coal power station in Voitsberg. The production costs of the power stations range between Sch 0.518 and Sch 0.80 per kWh, while large-scale clients pay about Sch 0.25 per kWh. Verbund, Austria's biggest electricity generator, is to concentrate on the production of hydro power. The only thermal power station to be retained is the one in Durnrohr. Enron is said to be interested in the power station in Korneuburg.
Publisher: Unabhaengige Tageszeitungs fuer Oesterreich
Publication Name: Presse
Subject: Business, international
Year: 1999
Asset sales & divestitures, Austria, Facilities & equipment
Subjects list: Electric utilities, Verbundgesellschaft
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