Retail gaining clout as b-to-b sales channel
Article Abstract:
Business-to-business marketers are finally acknowledging the value of the retail sales channel. This is particularly evident in the computer and office supply business. In the past, retail has been avoided as a venue for distributing to business customers. At the same time, business customers also shun retail for getting their supplies. However, with the phenomenal growth of the small-office, home-office market, retail has become a potent sales channel for many marketers.
Publication Name: Business Marketing
Subject: Business
ISSN: 1087-948X
Year: 1997
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Siemens' global shift: changes in markets, customers spurred new corporate brand strategy
Article Abstract:
Siemens has revised its international marketing strategy in response to market and customer changes. The company adopted a decentralized approach to keep pace with the privatization of its clientele in the global public-sector utility industry. Also, it has launched a worldwide marketing campaign that includes print and television advertising. Furthermore, Siemens has allocated separate marketing budgets for each business unit managed by senior marketing directors.
Publication Name: Business Marketing
Subject: Business
ISSN: 1087-948X
Year: 1998
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