Electronic Typewriters Feature Portability, Ease of Use, and Spelling Correction Capabilities
Article Abstract:
Smith Corona's new generation of electronic typewriters are portable models compatible with the company's new Spell-Right 1 spelling checker and WordEraser correction feature. Spell-Right 1 ($70) finds spelling and typographical errors from a base of 35,000 commonly used words. WordEraser allows the typist to correct a word with one keystroke. The XE-5000 is at the low-end of the Executive line, a portable typewriter featuring WordEraser, dual pitch, 100-character memory correction, automatic relocate, print speed at 10 CPS, and a forty-six key keyboard ($299). The XE-6000 ($379) is compatible with Spell-Right 1 and has WordEraser. The optional Messenger module ($110) allows conversion to a letter quality computer printer. Other features on the XE-6000 are memory correction up to one line, automatic return, typing symbols for French and Spanish, and decimal tabulation. A photograph shows the XE-5000.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1985
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Publish Electronically
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Electronic publishing systems, which enable the integrated production of documents on demand from computer workstations, can cut costs and turnaround time by fifty percent and graphics production by eighty percent, claims Robert V. Adams of Xerox Systems Group, El Segundo, California. Electronic publishing uses sophisticated software packages and laser printers to merge information from any number of sources with illustrations, and print in the exact quantity needed. Decreased production time can save millions of dollars a year for large companies.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1985
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Technology Update - New Thermal-Print Technology for IBM Selectric Typewriters 'Paints' Ink onto Paper Electronically
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IBM's new Quietwriter 7 typewriter employs a new technique which in effect 'paints' the ink onto the paper. A special 'resistive' ribbon is used for printing and correcting. The new technology involves the ribbon, electronic type fonts, and an electronic printhead. Traditional thermal transfer techniques are used in a new manner. A diagram illustrates how the new technique works.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1985
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