Questions and Answers
Article Abstract:
The president of The Phone Company, a telephone chain based in Burlingham, California, is interviewed. Issues concerning his company and the entire telephone specialty business are addressed. Ron Rosberg agrees that more specialty dealers are going out of business than are coming in, but also that there is room for the companies that can stay on top of the market in telephones and telephone related products.
Publication Name: Leisure Time Electronics
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0273-6586
Year: 1984
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Letter From the Editor
Article Abstract:
The editor explains the theme of this issue of LTE and of the following two issues. This is the first of three issues devoted to the relationship between manufacturer and retailer in the electronic industry. The telephone merchandising expanded editorial section offers important information for dealers in that changing market.
Publication Name: Leisure Time Electronics
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0273-6586
Year: 1984
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Phone Shops Chase Business
Article Abstract:
Telephone dealers are expanding into the interconnect business. They are having trouble competing with discounted telephone products available in other types of stores. The interconnect business can offer profits of thirty-five per cent or more. Photographs of various telephones are included.
Publication Name: Leisure Time Electronics
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0273-6586
Year: 1984
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