An appeal for meatier DM
Article Abstract:
The methods for writing good content in direct mail sales letters are discussed. Long letters strengthen brands, cement relationships, make economic sense, makes uniqueness and show as art that makes people tend to read complete.
Publication Name: DM News
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-3588
Year: 2005
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Internet empowers brand advocates
Article Abstract:
The use of the Internet and instant messaging by consumers, to research and share their opinions about different brands of products, is discussed.
Publication Name: DM News
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-3588
Year: 2006
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Multichannel merchandise profit and loss
Article Abstract:
The positive and negative effects of multichannel marketing concept are discussed.
Publication Name: DM News
Subject: Construction and materials industries
ISSN: 0194-3588
Year: 2006
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- Abstracts: Kripalu strikes a pose for growth. DR marketers embrace catalogs for sales. Beginning a perfect catalog campaign
- Abstracts: A esquinchE primer for catalogers. Retailers walk cataloger's multi channel path. Catalogers' 'squinch' primer, part 2
- Abstracts: WPP-Grey deal wonEt affect DM unit. Draft NY Chief: we can have it. Online advertising hits $5.8 billion for first half of 2005
- Abstracts: Adacus: mail order stays top dog. Banta reorganizes, emphasis DM's role
- Abstracts:, Visa in co-branded DM push. Report: internet, mail top-growing '07 ad channels