An adaptive dynamic model of production and inventories
Article Abstract:
A study was conducted to analyze an adaptive dynamic framework of production and inventories. Monthly data and data disaggregated to the production district level were utilized. The appropriateness of pooling monthly data into quarterly was then examined. Results indicated the effectiveness of the framework in supporting the variability of output. Findings also showed that companies adjust their production plans based on changes in expectations resulting from information disseminated during the year.
Publication Name: International Journal of Production Economics
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0925-5273
Year: 1999
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The use of automatic data capture systems in inventory management
Article Abstract:
A study was conducted to analyze the use of data capture systems in inventory management to improve performance. In line with this, data based on 10 case studies carried out in distribution and manufacturing firms were utilized. Results indicated that data capture processes improved factors directly influencing employees, such as wages, responsibility, motivation, and work content. Findings also showed that the processes negatively affected quantitative measures.
Publication Name: International Journal of Production Economics
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0925-5273
Year: 1999
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Analytical evaluation of heuristics performance for the single-level lot-sizing problem for products with constant demand
Article Abstract:
A specific merging of demand and cost combination, presented by Blackburn and Millen, named the lot-sizing index, is demonstrated to be a superb precursor of heuristics performance for any exact horizon problem. The selection of a proper heuristic for employment in a given situation is contingent on demand volatility and cost framework.
Publication Name: International Journal of Production Economics
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0925-5273
Year: 1997
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