An expert system framework based on a simulation generator
Article Abstract:
Expert Systems (ES) implementations automatically perform tasks for which specially trained or talented people have been required. Fifth generation simulation systems integrate the tools developed in the fourth generation and capture the knowledge of the expert programmer as well as that of the simulation modeling expert. Haddock has programmed a user-oriented simulation generator for the design and control of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). The development of and ES based on the generator is described in this paper. The system to be described solely requires knowledge of the system to be simulated from the user. FORTRAN written sub-routines, incorporated within the software structure of SIMAN, interpret the results of experimental runs and make statistical inferences about the performance measure. Simulation generators can assist simulationists in model development and update, as wellas in the analysis of alternative scenarios. A very desirable feature of intelligent Front Ends (IFEs) is to have the capabilities of analyzing their output. These capabilities not only reduce the total time required to perform the simulation, but also prevent its misuse. (Reprinted by permission of the publisher.)
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1987
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A Time-Varying Poisson Arrival Process Generator
Article Abstract:
Frequently an arrival process is acceptably Poisson, but the arrival rate varies with time. This note uses inversion to derive a time-varying Poisson generator whose rate function is continuous and piecewise-linear. The piecewise-linear function includes the piecewise constant arrival rate while involving only slightly more computations and represents a reasonable compromise between flexibility and practicality. In this case, inversion is efficient while being highly compatible with correlation induction variance reduction methods. The generator has been implemented for routine use in the INSIGHT simulation language providing a useful new input process while promoting variance reduction through common and antithetic variates. (Reprinted by Permission of Publisher.)
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1984
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An Efficient Generator of Uniformly Distributed Random Variates between Zero and One
Article Abstract:
A random number generator particularly well suited for simulation work on microcomputers is presented. The generator differs from conventional generators in that the floating point representation of the variate is constructed directly without first going the way of an equivalent integer representation of the variate. Implementations of the generator in FORTRAN-77 and PASCAL-MT+ for the IBM PC are presented, and the results of extensive empirical tests of the generator are provided. The generator is shown to be about as fast as conventional 16-bit congruential generators but with substantially better statistical properties and at least one order of magnitude longer period.
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1985
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