B-ISDN and how it works: end users will get multimedia transmission by accessing gigabit-per-second public networks on a switched basis
Article Abstract:
A new class of networks are beginning to arrive that will provide low-cost, long-distance multimedia data communications on high-speed G-bps public transmission systems based on International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)-developed B-ISDN packet-switching technology, which utilizes optical-fiber synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) hardware and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching. The public networks will have to provide an internal transmission capacity ranging from 622M-bps to 2.488G-bps to support initial B-ISDN rates of up to 155.52M-bps. B-ISDN and current narrowband ISDN (N-ISDN) provide a variety of transmission services that may require varying bit rates and band widths and incur sporadic flows at the network interface. ATM supports this range of transmission services through use of a fixed packet size and format and other features to ensure that the transfer is largely independent of the services supported. Details of ATM channel identification, generic flow control, use of the transfer mode, connectionless mode and early ATM implementations are discussed.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 1991
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High-speed local-area networks: fiber-distributed data interface and distributed queue dual bus are typical for the 50-150-Mb/s range
Article Abstract:
Computer applications requiring higher throughput and advances in local area network (LAN) technology are driving the development and implementation of high-speed (50M-to-150M-bps), supercomputer (typically 800M-bps) and prototype ultragigabit (1T-bps range) LANs. Low- and medium-speed (10-20M-bps) LANs benefit from the implementation of new radio and infrared wireless communications technologies. High-speed optical-media LANs emerge as a technology to implement metropolitan-area networks (MANs) as backbones linking multiple LANs in a metropolitan region. These MANs are typically based on fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) multiple token, implicit-token fiber-bus and distributed-queue dual-bus technologies. Supercomputer LANs are usually based on copper cable because of the limited area covered. Ultragigabit LAN prototypes utilize a single-mode fiber medium and wavelength-division multiplexing transmission technology. Limits in current LANs and future trends are discussed.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 1991
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Interconnecting LANs: bridges, routers, and gateways tie together LANs spread over areas
Article Abstract:
The major technologies for interconnecting LANs are, in increasing complexity, T1 multiplexers, bridges, routers and gateways. T1 multiplexers utilize speed-adaptation technologies to link LANs compliant with the physical layer 1 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network reference model into wide area networks (WANs). Bridges link LANs with identical protocols at OSI layer 1 and data link layer 2, plus end station compliance with OSI model layers 3-to-7. Routers link LANs that comply with layers 1-to-3, the latter network layer being the primary operating layer for router technology. Gateways employ all seven layers of the OSI model, linking dissimilar LANS running varying high-level protocols. Backbone networks for linking multiple LANS into a metropolitan area networks (MANs) or WANs, switched services (Dataphone Digital Service, frame relay and switched multimegabit data service) and network management technologies are discussed.
Publication Name: IEEE Spectrum
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0018-9235
Year: 1991
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