UK lagging behind Europe on strategic development
Article Abstract:
The European Union's Directorate-General XVI is currently preparing 'spatial policy options' for the whole of Europe. Plans which result from these deliberations will form the basis for joint developments in areas including transport and environmental protection. However, there is a danger that the UK could not be in an appropriate position to play a role in determining these new European spatial development initiatives. Work on these issues in the UK is far behind that of countries such as Denmark.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1996
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Budgets to suffer from overheads of Landfill Tax
Article Abstract:
The Landfill Tax and expensive environmental policies have lead to a reduction in local authority planning budgets, according to a survey from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. There is also less spending on highways, transport, parks and recreation. Kent County Council has had to make reductions to offset the 2.5 million pounds sterling for Landfill Tax in 1996-97.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1996
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