How to terminate cable in hazardous areas
Article Abstract:
Electrical contractors must take into account a number of issues when making installations in hazardous areas. Generally, they will need to observe the terms of BS 5435 Part 6 (BS 5501 Part 6, EN50019), which ensures safety in hazardous areas by not installing in them any equipment which could in normal operation cause sparks or increase temperatures to a level where the surrounding atmosphere would ignite. It is important to remember that all externally threaded micc glands produced in the UK are suitable for Exd and Exe use.
Publication Name: Electrical Contractor
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0308-7174
Year: 1996
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Let's terminate
Article Abstract:
The epoxy policy technique is the most widely used termination technique used by installers, with most connectors being available as epoxy polish versions. It is also becoming increasingly common to use connectors that have been factory preterminated and tested onto a fibre tail.
Publication Name: Electrical Contractor
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0308-7174
Year: 2001
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Fault fighting
Article Abstract:
A review of testing procedures and equipment for diagnosing faults in fibre optics is presented. Installers of fibre links and networks will require new skills to interpret the measurements of sophisticated instrumentation.
Publication Name: Electrical Contractor
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0308-7174
Year: 2001
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