ISO certification
Article Abstract:
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series of international quality standards was established because of the demand for a common guideline. ISO 9000 certification has become a goal for those organizations that value quality. The certification also provides some degree of assurance to customers about the products and services that they are getting. Unfortunately, some companies consider the certification as a way to eliminate quality concerns.
Publication Name: Quality
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-9936
Year: 1993
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Market your certification achievement
Article Abstract:
Business enterprises which have been recognized for their exemplary quality standards can make use of the ISO 900 or QS-900 certificate as a valuable marketing tool. It is important for these firms to make consumers aware of the prestigious award they have been granted with. One way of doing so is by issuing press releases to renowned magazines, news papers and other journals. Firms may also try mentioning the achievement in voice-mail greetings or meetings.
Publication Name: Quality
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-9936
Year: 1997
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QS-9000's reach extends to sub-tier suppliers
Article Abstract:
The Automotive Industry Action Group's sub-tier QS-9000 deployment work group is acquiring input from tier-one suppliers regarding QS-9000 compliance. The work group plans to develop and agree on quality-system assessment, develop and agree on auditor qualifications and determine education and training prerequisites. The work group's objectives are expected to be met by 2nd qtr. 1996.
Publication Name: Quality
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-9936
Year: 1996
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