The construction manager as project integrator
Article Abstract:
Completing a project on time at the lowest cost possible is both risky and complex. The construction manager (CM) should be able to integrate all aspects of the project and find ways to optimize resources and manage risks inherent to the construction process. The design-build scheme calls for reduced involvement of the owner on the project and leaves much of the work to the CM to ensure that specifications are met and the project completed on schedule. Another project-delivery method is bridging, a scheme which adds architectural and engineering tasks to the CM and allows the owner to exercise control over the project as needed.
Publication Name: Journal of Management in Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0742-597X
Year: 1996
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Owner involvement in construction projects in Saudi Arabia
Article Abstract:
The owner of any construction project hopes to obtain a high-quality facility by effectively communicating his goals during the planning, design and construction phases. These goals are to maximize quality, minimize costs and to facilitate quick construction. In Saudi Arabia, 67% of the construction contracts are with the government. Owner involvement was found to focus on actual construction rather than planning or design. The important tasks for owners in each phase are identified. Project quality may be improved by increased owner involvement in tasks directly relating to quality.
Publication Name: Journal of Management in Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0742-597X
Year: 1992
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What do project managers need to know about CADD?
Article Abstract:
The growing trend towards computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) makes knowledge of this tool essential for better project management. Entire design processes need to be reconfigured to enable them to operate in a CADD-based environment. Having realistic expectations about CADD, improving conventional staffing strategies and understanding basic system mechanics for maintaining control are some of the things project managers must do to successfully manage CADD-based design projects. A case study of one company's experience with CADD is presented.
Publication Name: Journal of Management in Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0742-597X
Year: 1995
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