Paint the town red, white & blue
Article Abstract:
Residents of Greenwood, IN, raised funds to suport an impressive display of US flags on the town's two main streets. Some 250 flags line the streets from Memorial Day though July 4th and again on Labor Day.
Publication Name: The American Legion
Subject: General interest
ISSN: 0886-1234
Year: 1998
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One of their own
Article Abstract:
Prisoners at the ffederal prison where Timothy McVeigh was held and executed were more concerned about their own personal dilemmas than about the murders McVeigh committed.
Publication Name: The New York Times Magazine
Subject: General interest
ISSN: 0028-7822
Year: 2001
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The price of admission: economics of an underdog campaign
Article Abstract:
The task of raising money dominated the strategy and conduct of Tim Johnson's longshot 2000 campaign against US Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana.
Publication Name: The New York Times Magazine
Subject: General interest
ISSN: 0028-7822
Year: 2000
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- Abstracts: Brighten the season with citrus. Best of the season from Country Inns. Ready and waiting for sledding season
- Abstracts: Get the best hotel deal. The joy of doing nothing. A tool for doing your best
- Abstracts: Promises to keep. A better kind of sex ed. A pause for the veranda: there's no better place to keep in touch with the world
- Abstracts: Going live with Walter Cronkite. See Jane run (everything)
- Abstracts: NcMansion mania. At the edge of Monhegan's "roll hole." At home in Prairie Crossing