Economic integration and fisal devolution
Article Abstract:
Investigations regarding how economic integration of capital markets influences the political decision of integration and separation of jurisdictions are discussed. Results state that due to coalitions of jurisdictions, the benefits from centralized distributive policy diminish, as economies are more integrated in the world market.
Publication Name: The Journal of Public Economics
Subject: Government
ISSN: 0047-2727
Year: 2003
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Fisal competition in space and time
Article Abstract:
A dynamic analysis of fiscal competition, built on a standard model of costly adjustment of the stock of a factor of production are presented. It also analyses, how mobility factor affects the response to changes in fiscal policy and in turn alters the desirability of alternative policies.
Publication Name: The Journal of Public Economics
Subject: Government
ISSN: 0047-2727
Year: 2003
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The political economy of policy centralization : direct versus representative democracy
Article Abstract:
Policy centralization outcomes in a two-jurisdiction model of public good provision choices with heterogeneous policy preferences and inter jurisdictional policies spillover under two alternative political procedures, direct referendum and representative democracy is analyzed.
Publication Name: The Journal of Public Economics
Subject: Government
ISSN: 0047-2727
Year: 2004
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