Roeg, Nicolas
Article Abstract:
Roeg's movies are a favorite among the art-house film aficionados due to their serious themes and lack of conventional narrative structure. He first made his mark as a cinematographer and did not begin directing until 1968 at the age of 40. Roeg is married to the actress Theresa Russell.
Publication Name: Current Biography
Subject: History
ISSN: 0011-3344
Year: 1996
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Mikhalkov, Nikita
Article Abstract:
Nikita Mikhalkov is a noted Russian actor and film director whose works include 'A Slave of Love' and 'Burnt by the Sun.' The latter won the 1995 Academy Award for best foreign film. His life and career are profiled, and critical reaction to his work is discussed.
Publication Name: Current Biography
Subject: History
ISSN: 0011-3344
Year: 1995
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