Moore, Michael
Article Abstract:
Moore is considered one of America's most notorious political provocateurs. He delivers political commentaries that are clever, shocking and humorous. His works are seen in print, film and television, and titles include 'Downsize This!' and 'Roger and Me.'
Publication Name: Current Biography
Subject: History
ISSN: 0011-3344
Year: 1997
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Howe, Irving
Article Abstract:
Irving Howe died on May 5, 1993. Howe was a writer and literary critic who was editor of Dissent and an English professor at City University of New York.
Publication Name: Current Biography
Subject: History
ISSN: 0011-3344
Year: 1993
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Howe, Irving
Article Abstract:
Publication Name: Current Biography
Subject: History
ISSN: 0011-3344
Year: 1978
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