Greek ground based air defence
Article Abstract:
The Greek ground based air defence (GBAD) provides safety to national defence system. The Greek GBAD uses latest technology communication means by BMC4I system and performs air defence operations.
Publisher: Monch Publishing Group
Publication Name: Military Technology
Subject: Military and naval science
ISSN: 0722-3226
Year: 2007
Greece, International Affairs, National Security, Military Exercises & Maneuvers, Military Action, Guided Missiles, Space Vehicles, Parts, Usage, Technology application, Defense industry, Military operations, Ground based radar, Military maneuvers, Defence industry, Defence industries
Publication Name: Military Technology
Subject: Military and naval science
ISSN: 0722-3226
Year: 2007
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The Future Rapid Effects System programme: the highest priority programme within the British Army
Article Abstract:
The article presents the details of the Future Rapid Effects System (FRES) programme of the British Army that would provide medium weight armoured vehicles to the U.K. Armed Forces.
Publisher: Monch Publishing Group
Publication Name: Military Technology
Subject: Military and naval science
ISSN: 0722-3226
Year: 2007
United Kingdom, Product information, Facilities & equipment, Equipment and supplies, Product enhancement, Military aspects, Armored vehicles, United Kingdom. Army, Armoured vehicles
Publication Name: Military Technology
Subject: Military and naval science
ISSN: 0722-3226
Year: 2007
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