God's man in Havana: Pope John Paul II will carry his crusade to Cuba
Article Abstract:
Pope John Paul II will carry his message of God to Cuba where militant Fidel Castro still holds control of the state and the people. Cuba is a country where most people do not know who the pope is because of the state-controlled press. The Vatican contends that the pope's mission is not political but spiritual. The pope hopes to accomplish giving the churches in Cuba more liberty, broader access to media, and the right to hold outdoor religious processions.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1998
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Sainthood for a pope?
Article Abstract:
Pope John XXIII has been proposed for beatification in 2000. This is the first step in creating a saint, and rests partly on the claim of attributing a miraculous cure to John XXIII as well as his pivotal role in convening the Vatican II council. Other popes proposed for beatification include Paul VI and Pius XII.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 1999
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A Pope's epic journey
Article Abstract:
The legacy and the work accomplished by Pope John Paul II during his lifetime are described. Pope John Paul II was a priest, evangelist, poet, protector of the poor, and defender of the Catholic faith.
Publication Name: The Bulletin with Newsweek
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 1440-7485
Year: 2005
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