AT&T, BT seek synchronicity
Article Abstract:
AT&T and British Telecommunications' success in establishing an Internet-based network will depend on the compatibility of their systems. The firm's, which are building a $10-billion voice and data service that is expected to serve 237 countries once it becomes operational in 2000, are hoping that efforts on using consistent technology will spell success for the joint venture project. To that end, the two companies have formed a technology team that is expected to set the standards by which they can better address their clients' needs.
Its success in establishing an Internet-based network with AT&T relies on their systems' compatibility
Publication Name: USA Today
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0734-7456
Year: 1998
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Primestar drops plan to acquire satellite TV
Article Abstract:
Primestar has withdrawn its intentions to purchase American Sky Broadcast satellite TV partnership for $1.1 billion. After the Justice Department filed a lawsuit in May 1998, to block the agreement between Primestar and the sellers, MCI WorldCom and News Corp., Primestar CEO Carl Vogel notes that a legal dispute was not in the company's interest. Primestar, a satellite TV service firm with around 2.2 million clients, is controlled by MediaOne, Time Warner, Comcast, Cox, and GE Americom of General Electric.
Has withdrawn its intentions to purchase American Sky Broadcast satellite TV partnership for $1.1 billion
Publication Name: USA Today
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0734-7456
Year: 1998
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