Wastewater: document on blending aims to resolve regulatory standstill
Article Abstract:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had initially refused to regulate the blending practice at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). For this purpose the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) have submitted a proposal, explaining the right approach towards blending. This might make the EPA review the regulation issue once again.
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 2006
Reports, United States. Environmental Protection Agency, Water treatment plants, Administrative agencies, Government agencies, Mixing, Mixing (Materials processing), National Resources Defense Council
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 2006
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Fate of dam safety bills to be decided in November
Article Abstract:
Details of National Dam Safety Program developed by Federal Emergency Management Agency to prevent dam failures are presented.
Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 2006
Prevention, United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Dam failures, Dam safety
Publication Name: Civil Engineering
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0885-7024
Year: 2006
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Subjects list: United States, Laws, regulations and rules, Government regulation
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