Don't give up the ship; a salvor can save the day if you're in trouble, but don't relinquish your rights
Article Abstract:
Boaters in danger have some options when dealing with private salvage companies. They can refuse help, pay by the hour, or pay a certain amount if the salvor is successful. Boaters should either avoid signing a contract or sign one under protest if they are experiencing an emergency.
Publication Name: Yachting
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 0043-9940
Year: 1995
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Squeezing personal watercraft: more states are finding ways to restrict their use
Article Abstract:
Nearly 30 states have followed Florida's lead in passing legislation to regulate the use of personal watercraft. Rules include age limits and the use of helmets. Alabama passed a licensing requirement, but this measure has been opposed in other states.
Publication Name: Yachting
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 0043-9940
Year: 1996
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Beware the Jones Act: are you liable for injuries to your crew?
Article Abstract:
The Jones Act entitles seamen to collect relief from employers for damages incurred while aboard a vessel. Its primary objective is to ensure quality of the nation's merchant marine and to provide protection to sea-based employees.
Publication Name: Yachting
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 0043-9940
Year: 1996
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