Image makers
Article Abstract:
The Sharper Image Group of Gyms of South Africa may open a leisure facility in Britain. The health club will be sited in London and aimed at the middle income bracket. The group has opened 17 clubs in South Africa since being established in 1988. A well trained high quality staff with marketing expertise has ensured rapid growth. The staff is highly motivated and encouraged to contribute ideas. The management holds theoretical and practical training sessions as required.
Publication Name: Leisure Opportunities (Supplement to Leisure Management)
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0952-8210
Year: 1992
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Children first
Article Abstract:
A campaign to improve family facilities on leisure sites was launched in London, England on May 20, 1992. An attitude change is the first requirement so that assistance and staff facilities may be offered when appropriate. The second phase is the provision of child associated services. Phase three involves considering family reqirements at the planning and design stage. Research has shown that parents consider families are better provided for outside Britain.
Publication Name: Leisure Opportunities (Supplement to Leisure Management)
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0952-8210
Year: 1992
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Aiming high
Article Abstract:
Electronics expert, David Nelson has invented a computer-controlled fitness game, Batak. Players gain points by hitting lights mounted on poles. Customised programmes, controlled by smart cards take account of individual fitness and capability. The system has application in sports training and leisure facilities. Space requirements are small and potential return from setting-up costs of 10,000 pound sterling is high.
Publication Name: Leisure Opportunities (Supplement to Leisure Management)
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0952-8210
Year: 1992
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