Sending up the bat signal
Article Abstract:
Michael Uslan or Comics Man, has a career dedicated to bringing comic-book stories to life, and loves what comic books represent to children- a hero, a villain, a conflict and the villain being caught and punished in the end. He reclaimed the essence of Batman by producing the movie 'Batman' and his future plans are to finance the development and production of his film franchises based on comic book characters.
Publication Name: New Jersey Monthly
Subject: Travel, recreation and leisure
ISSN: 0273-270X
Year: 2005
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Can you hear me now?
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Jeffrey Citron, the CEO of Edison-based Vonage, wants to revolutionize the telephone industry by popularizing the technology of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which is phone service delivered over high-speed broadband networks. He aims to replace the existing communications platform and believes that competition from large telecom companies raises VoIP's profile and expands the market for all players.
Publication Name: New Jersey Monthly
Subject: Travel, recreation and leisure
ISSN: 0273-270X
Year: 2005
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The Beach Boys
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Sam Hammer and Frank Walsh are surfers from New Jersey with a national surfing reputation but for generations, the international surfing community looked at New Jersey surfers as mere court jesters among chivalrous sporting men. Industry giants Quiksilver and Billabong signed Hammer and Walsh to an international team, paying bonuses when they win, place or show in contests.
Publication Name: New Jersey Monthly
Subject: Travel, recreation and leisure
ISSN: 0273-270X
Year: 2005
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- Abstracts: Digging up the past. Sky high on the Beartooth. The Potomac highlands
- Abstracts: Finding my father. "Katie, we still love you." (a father's journal entries) "I think you're my father." (Roberta Baskin's search for her father)
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