Stranded on the way to Scotland: A church choir sings the blues when an air-traffic-control outage grounds all flights
Article Abstract:
All the flights from London's Gatwick Airport were cancelled due to break down of air-traffic-control system and the airline employees provided no guidance. British airways agent asked the church choir, who were invited to sing in Scotland, to move to Heathrow Airport and after reaching there it was learnt that no flight would leave for the rest of the day or next day and eventually they could never fly to Edinburgh and ended up taking a train and missing the church service.
Publication Name: Conde Nast Traveler
Subject: Travel, recreation and leisure
ISSN: 0893-9683
Year: 2004
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A capital idea for a city
Article Abstract:
Edinburgh, Scotland, has hosted an International Festival since 1947, but only recently it has regained its status as a capital city. The change in status has rejuvenated the social atmosphere in the city.
Publication Name: Conde Nast Traveler
Subject: Travel, recreation and leisure
ISSN: 0893-9683
Year: 2001
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Scotland cuts loose
Article Abstract:
Scotland is emerging as a cosmopolitan country as it builds a cultural base and develops its own government. Sites that travelers can enjoy include golf courses and the countryside.
Publication Name: Conde Nast Traveler
Subject: Travel, recreation and leisure
ISSN: 0893-9683
Year: 2000
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