Inference methods for spatial variation in species richness and community composition when not all species are detected
Article Abstract:
Inferences about spatial variation in species richness and community composition are important factors to ecological hypotheses concerning the structure and function of communities and to community-level management and conservation. Sampling programs seldom provide censuses and some species are undercounted and in some cases not counted. Researchers developed a software package, which computes estimates and deals directly with undetected species.
Publication Name: Conservation Biology
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0888-8892
Year: 1998
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Distribution of alkaloid-rich plant species in shortgrass steppe vegetation
Article Abstract:
Researchers investigated the distribution of alkaloid-rich plant species in shortgrass steppe vegetation to determine if these species were more prevalent in certain habitats or life forms and if ethnomedicinal accounts were indicative of alkaloid-rich taxa. Researchers found positive results for 10% of all species tested. When they were categorized by habitat, no habitat had a greater percentage of alkaloid-rich species.
Publication Name: Conservation Biology
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0888-8892
Year: 1998
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Keeping problem tigers from becoming a problem species
Article Abstract:
Proactive policies for coping with problem tigers should be included in tiger conservation efforts. Otherwise, conflicts between tigers and humans could erode support for tiger conservation among the local people in tiger range areas. Teams should be trained and equipped to respond to incidents involving problem tigers. The tiger should be classified as a predator rather than a 'man-eater.'
Publication Name: Conservation Biology
Subject: Zoology and wildlife conservation
ISSN: 0888-8892
Year: 1998
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