Signal facilitation: a policy response to asymmetric information
Article Abstract:
The advantages of using signal facilitation in car agents' disclosure of information concerning warranties in the used-car market are discussed. As an asymmetric information disclosure policy, signal facilitation does away with warranty coverage determination costs. The elimination of such costs allows sellers to use warranties to signalquality. Signal facilitation serves as a better alternative to costly mandatorytesting and disclosure because of the policy's ability to achieve a signaling balance that provides indications of quality due to heightened social welfare. A prime benefit of the policy is its flexibility, as illustrated in its applicability to situations where there is difficulty in inducing signaling.
Publication Name: The Journal of Business
Subject: Business, general
ISSN: 0021-9398
Year: 1992
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Federal Financial Support of the Defense Industry
Article Abstract:
A review of three federal indirect support methods of the defense industry is presented. The future of the three methods is assessed. The three indirect support methods are multiyear contracting, flexible progress payments and defense loan guarantees. The three programs should be used simultaneously. The first two methods can reduce defense contract costs. A defense loan guarantee can result in lower interest rates for defense contractors. Control techniques must be applied to all three methods.
Publication Name: National Contract Management Quarterly Journal
Subject: Business, general
ISSN: 0163-2124
Year: 1983
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On inverse carrying charges and spatial arbitrage
Article Abstract:
The relationship between backwardation in commodity markets and negative carrying charges, using the London Metal Exchange's copper contract model, is presented.
Publication Name: Journal of Futures Markets
Subject: Business, general
ISSN: 0270-7314
Year: 2007
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