Asian flu fighter
Article Abstract:
China's central bank governor Dai Xialong has been credited with the country's exclusion from the Asian currency crisis, with his pro-active monitoring of the lending activities of Chinese banks. Dai was early to recognize that the mix of undercapitalization and the bad loans, especially in the property sector, could result in the failure of the country's banking industry. Dai is also credited with controlling retail price inflation from 22% in 1994 to only 0.8%in 1997. Dai plans to overhaul China's central banking system to mimic the US Federal Reserve System.
Publication Name: Treasury & Risk Management
Subject: Business
ISSN: 1067-0432
Year: 1998
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Banks close in on goal of interest-bearing accounts
Article Abstract:
Legislation may be passed by the US Congress to allow banks to pay interest on demand accounts held by corporations, meaning that banks will have opportunities to profit from increased deposits.
Publication Name: Treasury & Risk Management
Subject: Business
ISSN: 1067-0432
Year: 2000
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The legislation not yet heard 'round the world
Article Abstract:
The findings of survey on the implications of Check 21 legislation are presented.
Publication Name: Treasury & Risk Management
Subject: Business
ISSN: 1067-0432
Year: 2005
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