Author! author!: why your firm may be paying a heavy price for poor writing
Article Abstract:
The need for chartered accountants (CAs) to develop effective business writing skills is stressed. Since the products that accounting firms provide to their clients are mostly written ones such as audit reports, review engagement reports, management letters and the like, writing can help win or lose customers. Several guidelines for individual CAs and accounting firms are presented to improve the quality of their writing.
Publication Name: CA Magazine
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0317-6878
Year: 1993
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The evolutionaries
Article Abstract:
The changes that have taken place in the business environment following the increase in electronic transactions during the 1990s are discussed, with focus on accountants being the best qualified people to understand the new systems.
Publication Name: CA Magazine
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0317-6878
Year: 2000
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Systems set to go
Article Abstract:
Increased use of internet-based business process by corporations across the world require the formation of a standardized set of systems, reducing confusion, administration costs and saving money.
Publication Name: CA Magazine
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0317-6878
Year: 2000
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