Comment on Hancock, Laing and Wilcox and Peek and Rosengren
Article Abstract:
Two separate papers by authors Hancock, Laing and Wilcox, on one hand, and Peek and Rosengren, on the other, deal with the relationship between bank action and the economic and regulatory developments during a period of tight credit. The first set of authors point out the capital and securities reacted faster to shocks that the rest of bank activities. The second set of authors had a narrower focus: the effect of regulation on New England banks.
Publication Name: Journal of Banking & Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0378-4266
Year: 1995
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Comment on Thakor and Wilson
Article Abstract:
Authors Thakor and Wilson have focused on the demand side of bank loans in relation to the increase in capital requirements. This viewpoint is much needed since previous research preferred to focus on the supply equation. The two authors maintain that with increased capitalization requirements, demand for bank loans would not only decrease but would seek other financial sources such as capital markets.
Publication Name: Journal of Banking & Finance
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0378-4266
Year: 1995
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