The design school: reconsidering the basic premises of strategic management
Article Abstract:
The 'design school' model of strategic development, which focuses on a non-complex model that perceives the process of strategic formation as a design process to reach a satisfactory balance between internal distinctive competence and external threat and opportunity, is analyzed to determine its validity. Premises examined which make up the design school model include the belief that strategy formation should be a conscious, controlled process of thought; that the model of strategy formation should be kept informal; and that strategies emerge from the process completely formulated. While the model has limitations, four conditions may encourage an organization to use the design school model, including when relevant knowledge has been established and a situation is stable; an organization can cope with a centrally articulated strategy; and one person can handle all data connected to developing strategy.
Publication Name: Strategic Management Journal
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0143-2095
Year: 1990
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Cycles of organizational change
Article Abstract:
A comprehensive framework that describes organizational change in terms of cycles in different dimensions is proposed. A system of concentric cycles depicts the different contents of change at various levels ofabstraction. Alternatively, change is also circumferential, representing its various means and processes at any given level. Finally, tangential change describes particular episodes of change which cause a movement away from the established cycle, thus resulting in spiraling along a trajectory. This last dimension represents the sequences and patterns of change. The framework is applied to an analysis of three of the world's major religions: Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Buddhism, resulting in three developmental models: enclaving, cloning and uprooting, respectively.
Publication Name: Strategic Management Journal
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0143-2095
Year: 1992
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Visionary leadership and strategic management
Article Abstract:
The concept of visionary leadership is described in a strategic management context. Visionary leadership is analyzed by comparing it to theatre and developing models of visionary leadership as an interaction of representation, repetition, and assistance. Leadership is also analyzed by reviewing the experiences of several visionary leaders. Typologies of visionary leadership are developed, including: proselytizers, bricoleurs, idealists, and diviners.
Publication Name: Strategic Management Journal
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0143-2095
Year: 1989
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