Apple's fastest portable
Article Abstract:
Apple's new PowerBook G3 is the company's fastest notebook computer to date; its cutting-edge 250MHz PowerPC 750 CPU gives it performance better than that of most PCs, although start-up is a bit slow. The processor is among Motorola's third generation of PowerPC processors and is optimized specifically for the Macintosh architecture and System 8 operating system. Apple supplies a 12.1-inch active-matrix color screen with good video and superior color support, a generous 5GB hard drive, a 20x CD-ROM drive and four-speaker stereo sound. Built-in communications and software for setting the computer up to use in multiple locations are other good features. The keyboard is responsive and comfortable to type on. The G3 could be improved in some areas; a 13.3-inch display would make it more competitive, as would a 56K modem instead of the supplied 33.6Kbps unit.
Publication Name: PC Portables Magazine
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1095-5070
Year: 1998
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Dell Latitude XPi CD: a pinstriped portable
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Dell Computer's $4,199 Latitude XPi CD M166T Pentium-based notebook is an excellent example of the company's ability to successfully provide technologically sophisticated products through its mail-order channel. The XPi CD M166T offers 16MB of EDO RAM, a 2.1GB hard drive, a 10x CD-ROM drive, a 166MHz Pentium MMX processor, 128-bit graphics accelerator and a 12.1-in thin-film transistor active matrix display. The XPi CD M166T is tailored to provide superior multimedia support and includes an integrated 16-bit, four-speaker sound system. The lithium-ion battery offers 2.5 hours of use, and the PC Card slots support modem and Ethernet adapter functions. However, the XPi CD M166T's keyboard lacks a Windows 95 key, pre-installed software and multimedia features found in some competing models.
Publication Name: PC Portables Magazine
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1095-5070
Year: 1997
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NEC Versa 6060: portable power in a corporate edition
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NEC Computer Systems Div's $3,199 Versa 6060 Pentium-based notebook computer is designed for traveling workers and is powerful enough to run popular applications. The product ships with a 166MHz Pentium MMX processor. The Versa's core design is based on Intel's 430 TX chip set, which offers faster DMA and memory access, increased PCI bus throughput and improved power management. The unit also includes 16MB of RAM, a lithium-ion battery and a 2.1GB hard disk drive. The product's screen is a 12.1-in TFT active matrix display that supports 1024x768 XGA resolution. The notebook also includes a 20 speed CD-ROM drive, which is the fastest available on a portable system, according to NEC. The Versa 6060's keyboard is responsive and sturdy, although several Windows 95 keys are not included.
Publication Name: PC Portables Magazine
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1095-5070
Year: 1997
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