Audio workshop: rappin' on a shoestring
Article Abstract:
In a sales meeting with a client, a rap song broke the ice and introduced a new product. The rap was recorded with stock music and a commercial sound editor. The first part of the process was to extract, loop and arrange parts of stock music. WAV files were combined using Sonic Foundry's Sound Forge. Sound Forge uses a nondestructive technique that permits parts of a sound file to be specified in any order, without altering the original. The music was arranged in the desired order and number of iterations. A separate track was used to record the lyrics in sync with the music. The vocal was recorded while monitoring a reference copy on headphones. The voice and music tracks were mixed digitally with Sound Forge's Dynamics facility. Sound effects were added, placing a megaphone sound on the chorus. Sound Forge's Mix feature was used for final assembly of the various components.
Publication Name: Newmedia
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1060-7188
Year: 1995
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Santa's workshop: graphic design 101
Article Abstract:
Developing graphical applications for Web sites is still not an exact science, but using several proven techniques can ensure a level of design professionalism to any Web page. Programmers should maintain a consistency of style throughout the design process, be cognizant of the way that viewers scan the Web page ocularly and consider tailoring the colors of a site to its expected demographics. All included photographs or images should be cropped to emphasize their most important or interesting elements, frames for texts and images should be used discriminatingly and shading techniques can add to the depth of field. Designers should format the texts, fonts and special effects of their Web pages to conform as closely as possible to standard presentation guidelines.
Publication Name: Newmedia
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1060-7188
Year: 1996
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Image workshop: using Photo CD for multimedia
Article Abstract:
Multimedia professionals may benefit from using Kodak's Photo CD format as an alternative to scanning source material directly. However, transferring an image from Photo CD to a multimedia application can be difficult. The transparencies or negatives must be sent to a service bureau, and several factors can affect the service bureau's results. Several applications are available to map and compress color space into RGB, which is necessary to acquire the Photo CD images, and again, results and quality vary. Besides difficulties involving the service bureau, getting an image off a CD and into a computer can be problematical. An understanding of how a Photo CD represents photographs will be helpful.
Publication Name: Newmedia
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1060-7188
Year: 1995
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