Your Guide to the 4th Annual Office Automation Conference
Article Abstract:
The interaction between automated machines and personnel is the theme for the Office Automation Conference 1983. The product vendors are listed in the Exhibitors Guide. Programs presented at the conference are divided into six tracks- advanced technology in information processing and storage and retrieval; teleconferencing; planning for systems using current technology; addressing the human factors in change; organization issues in specialization; and implementation of integrated systems. A schedule of the conference is included. Photographs of some of the new products exhibited are included.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1983
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Automation Outlook
Article Abstract:
Implementing office automation today involves setting up systems for supporting administration, rather than installing machines for automating tasks, as in the past. In addition, the information requirements to be met are unstructured rather than structured. Consequently, planning requires the involvement and coordination of management, DP staff, administrators, and most of all, users. Involving users ensures better interaction with management and more enthusiasm for change. Thorough training, in phases, for all applications of the system, ensures the most utilization of the system.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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