Mini TV Looming Large on Video Market Horizon
Article Abstract:
The new mini-TV sets are becoming a large market. Sony, makers of The Watchman black and white TV, are merchandising with the National Football League. The average mini TV buyer is younger than other buyers with high income levels. Photographs of some of the mini TVs on the market are shown.
Publication Name: Leisure Time Electronics
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0273-6586
Year: 1983
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Bright Future for Electronic Typewriters
Article Abstract:
It is felt that the electronic typewriter will replace manual and electric models, and will begin making a mark in the portable market. The success of this product is due to reliability and advanced capabilities. Generally, the price for the electronic typewriters ranges from $250 to $1,400.
Publication Name: Leisure Time Electronics
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0273-6586
Year: 1984
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Calculators to Show Modest Gain in 1984
Article Abstract:
Sales of calculators are still high. Solar models and calculators with display printers are popular. Photographs of some calculators are included.
Publication Name: Leisure Time Electronics
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0273-6586
Year: 1984
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