Support and sales integration is improving
Article Abstract:
Several software companies have released integrated sales and support software that can create a unified customer database and share customer information between sales and support employees. Among them is Platinum Software Corp, which will release its Clientele 3.0 by the end of Feb 1998. Clientele 3.0 has a separate module for sales and marketing and another module for customer support. Siebel Systems is also offering the Siebel Service Enterprise, which can be seamlessly integrated with the Siebel Sales Enterprise. It has also launched the Siebel InterActive, which can generate up-to-the minute briefings on a company's accounts, prospects and markets.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1998
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Access Line is the outsourcing middleman
Article Abstract:
Long-distance carrier Access Line of San Francisco, CA, offers fully automated telecommunications services to technical support call centers. The companyu provides custom voice response maps, PIN validation, credit card processing and seamlesss call allocation for free and fee-based technical support operations. Access Line also provides its software publisher clients with toll-free numbers that can be acccessed by the publisher's customers.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1997
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