Wall St eyes support
Article Abstract:
Multivendor service provider DecisionOne Corp has reported a buyout by an affiliate of investment banking firm Donaldson, Lufkin and Jenrette Inc. Under the deal, the $3-bil investment fund DLJ Merchant Banking Partners II and affiliated funds acquired an 85% stake in the company for $934 million. DecisionOne said that the current management team will be retained and the company's day-to-day operations will not be changed by the new owners.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1997
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Entex spotlights the services side
Article Abstract:
Entex Information Services Inc of Rye Brook, NY, has sold its Technology Acquisition Services division to CompuCom Systems Inc of Dallas, TX, for $137 million. The division, with more than 1,000 employees an annual revenues of $2 billion in 1998, had steadily become a smaller fraction of Entex's total business. The divestment would allow Entex to transform from a hardware and software computer reseller a service-oriented company.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1999
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Synet shifts services
Article Abstract:
Computer consultancy firm Synet Services Corp of Minneapolis, MN, has announced its acquisition of systems integrator Diedrich and Associates Inc of Los Angeles, CA. The deal would enable Synet to transform from offering call and problem management to one the focuses on enterprisewide service-level management for call management, systems management and asset management systems.
Publication Name: Service News
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 1046-1965
Year: 1999
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- Abstracts: Support and sales integration is improving. Access Line is the outsourcing middleman
- Abstracts: Going undercover. Compaq support poised
- Abstracts: Options abound for certification training. John Hancock takes desktop certification to its business units
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