Sowing the seeds
Article Abstract:
Smaller companies based in Southampton, UK, find it hard to raise equity capital, partly because unlike other regional centres, Southampton does not have a large local corporate finance capability. Smaller unlisted firms find it hard to attract venture or development capital, while the cost of joining the Alternative Investment Market is too high for such companies. An alternative approach to meeting the financing needs of smaller firms could be to set up a regional Venture Capital Trust, although several problems would have to be overcome first.
Publication Name: Acquisitions Monthly
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0952-3618
Year: 1995
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The Med slides towards disaster
Article Abstract:
Soil erosion is becoming a serious problem in Mediterranean countries, where rainstorms can quickly cause serious landslides. This has prompted the European Commission to set up the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use project, which brings together experts from 44 European Union universities. This project is now in its third phase, which involves defining the conditions which make an area sensitive.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1996
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Hoses and taps for your garden
Article Abstract:
Hosepipes and outside taps are useful for watering the garden or cleaning the car. Hosepipes are available in fold-flat cassette or thick plastic types. Hoses are usually 30 mt long. The best hoses are the 50 mt long Gardena Professional 6733-28, costing 35 pounds sterling or the Gardena Cord, which costs 16 pounds sterling and is 30 mt long.
Publication Name: Which?
Subject: Consumer news and advice
ISSN: 0043-4841
Year: 1995
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