A hole lot more
Article Abstract:
Former UK National Health Service Personnel Director Eric Caines was wrong to criticize nurses for failing to follow his advice intended to improve the status of nursing. Caines wanted to see nurses taking on more tasks done by junior doctors, and health care assistants undertaking menial nursing duties. Nurses want to improve their status, but Caines' advice about taking on some duties and shedding others was related to cost efficiencies and the reduction of junior doctors' working hours. Nurses would be right to avoid exploitation and the loss of duties which are vital to patient care.
Publication Name: Nursing Times
Subject: Health
ISSN: 0954-7762
Year: 1999
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Cellular bridges the gap
Article Abstract:
China continues to stimulate economic growth through the development of infrastructure projects such as international telecommunication capabilities. Cellular telephone use is growing in China because of there are o fixed-line installations to install. Major suppliers are helping to managing China's networks for a return in profits. China bans foreign ownership of strategic resources.
Publication Name: China Economic Review
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 1350-6390
Year: 1998
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Television sets and TV/VCR combinations
Article Abstract:
Thirty-three color television sets, by size and features, two color television/cassette recorder combinations and two universal remotes that received best buy or recommended ratings are listed. List prices range from $30 to $7,495.
Publication Name: Consumer Guide Magazine
Subject: Consumer news and advice
ISSN: 0097-8337
Year: 1992
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