Structural elements of the southern Tethyan Himalaya crust from wide-angle seismic data
Article Abstract:
An image of the top and bottom of the Indian continental crust underthrusting the Himalaya was developed by shooting a deep seismic common midpoint profile (CMP) across the CMP-profile shots at various offsets of up to 155 km. The short-offset data gathered support the CMP-profile data. On the other hand, a band of reflectivity was found to dominate the large-offset data gathered. Observations indicate that the South Tibetan Detachment System basal detachment is a deep-rooted basement fault.
Publication Name: Tectonics
Subject: Earth sciences
ISSN: 0278-7407
Year: 1996
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Tectonic evolution of the High Himalaya in Upper Lahul (NW Himalaya, India)
Article Abstract:
The tectonic evolution of the Upper Lahul region in the NW Himalaya during the Himalayan Orogeny is the result of a succession of five deformation events. The tectonic event is related to a NE directed nappe stacking, that may have occurred during the late Eocene to the early Oligocene. This deformation is characteristic of a shallow structural level, related to an imbricate structure, and developed in a nappe's frontal part affecting the Tethyan Zone units of SE Zanskar.
Publication Name: Tectonics
Subject: Earth sciences
ISSN: 0278-7407
Year: 1995
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Nappe tectonics, extension, and metamorphic evolution in the Indian Tethys Himalaya (Higher Himalaya, SE Zanskar and NW Lahul)
Article Abstract:
Nappe tectonics with west-south-west transport characterizes the southern region of the Indian Tethys Himalaya. A lower Cambrian to Middle Cretaceous stratigraphic composite of the area is analyzed, indicating amphibolite metamorphism due to nappe stacking. Oligocene nappe emplacement is suggested by the cooling ages obtained from metamorphic muscovite and biotite. The results indicate that post-compression extension in the area results in main thrust reactivation.
Publication Name: Tectonics
Subject: Earth sciences
ISSN: 0278-7407
Year: 1992
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