On the role of agriculture in India's longer-term development strategy
Article Abstract:
An analysis of India's mixed economy reveals the importance of the agricultural sector in sustaining its industrialization plans. Development of the agricultural sector leads to the expansion of domestic markets by enhancing occupational incomes. This market expansion provides growth opportunities to the industrial sector. Any economic policy ignoring this interdependence is bound to fail in the Indian situation.
Publication Name: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0309-166X
Year: 1995
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The role of the state in evolutionary economics
Article Abstract:
The government's ability to direct the evolution of the economic system is highly limited, although the scope of useful public policies is broader in an evolutionary approach than in neoclassical economics. Certain normative criteria, which could act as public policy guidelines in an evolutionary perspective, are formulated.
Publication Name: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0309-166X
Year: 2004
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On the sustainability area as a simplifying didactic device
Article Abstract:
Fiscal sustainability is examined using the concept of the sustainability area, which is found to have little bearing on public finance sustainability.
Publication Name: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Subject: Economics
ISSN: 0309-166X
Year: 2000
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