Brazilian utility kicks off big information technology initiative
Article Abstract:
The Brazilian electric utility Companhia Energetica do Ceara (COELCE) has embarked on the installation of information technology (IT) equipment costing more than $18 million. The IT solutions will be used for network computing, distribution management, energy management and others.
Publication Name: Electrical World
Subject: Electronics and electrical industries
ISSN: 0013-4457
Year: 1997
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DA/DSM DistribuTECH '97: International Symposium on Utility Information Technology, Competitive Business Solutions, Systems Strategies, and Customer Satisfaction
Article Abstract:
Companies, products and services which were featured at the DA/DSM DistribuTECH 1997 are listed. These include ABB Power T&D Co., Cooper Power Systems, FieldTech, Hunt Technologies Inc., King Wire Inc. and Power Measurement Ltd.
Publication Name: Electrical World
Subject: Electronics and electrical industries
ISSN: 0013-4457
Year: 1996
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