David B. Lorsch
Article Abstract:
David B. Lorsch, CEO of DBL Distributing which was acquired by Ingram Micro in June 2007, has no plans of retiring now that he has sold his company. Lorsch founded DBL in 1989, and it was one of the first retailers of consumer electronics accessories. His views on his business, as well as on life, are presented.
Publication Name: Dealerscope
Subject: Electronics and electrical industries
ISSN: 1534-4711
Year: 2007
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Sell yourself first: take the stress out of laundry shopping for your customers and the sale will follow
Article Abstract:
Ken White, store manager of Morris Appliance Company, explains his approach to sales, demonstration, service and other aspects related to sale of laundry appliances. He also discusses the laundry technology and goes on to explain his understanding of the psychology of customers.
Publication Name: Dealerscope
Subject: Electronics and electrical industries
ISSN: 1534-4711
Year: 2004
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Jack Wayman
Article Abstract:
Jack Wayman has been in the consumer electronics (CE) industry for 60 years, and he is the founder of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). The history of the CES and the history of the CE industry as a whole, as well as Wayman's personal life, are discussed.
Publication Name: Dealerscope
Subject: Electronics and electrical industries
ISSN: 1534-4711
Year: 2008
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