An interactive robotic simulation package
Article Abstract:
Described is a graphics package called RobSim intended for the real-time simulation of the kinematics of automated workcells containing one or more robots with any configuration and up to six degrees of freedom. The user can enter information with joint or position teachboxes, or with joint or position spreadsheets. All trajectories are velocity controlled. The graphics illustrates each robot so its joint configuration and position are evident. The scene can be viewed from any or all of the three projections onto the major planes and/or from one or more camera images taken from user defined positions. The software runs on any Macintosh computer from Mac Plus upwards. (Reprinted by permission of the publisher.)
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1991
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Robotic Simulation Facilitates Assembly Line Design
Article Abstract:
ROBOT-SIM, developed by General Electric's Calma Co., is a new software package that is used with Calma's Design, Drafting and Manufacturing (DDM) software to develop three-dimensional CAD-CAM robotic cell designs on a computer screen. The robot's operation can be simulated and modified as necessary. ROBOT-SIM runs on the Apollo system or VAX 700 series computers. Prices start at $30,000. It is written in FORTRAN. A photograph of a robot work cell is included. Screen displays illustrate features of the system.
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1984
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Simulation of Robotic Manufacturing Cells: A Modular Approach
Article Abstract:
A general modeling approach for the design and analysis of computer-controlled manufacturing cells containing robots is presented. The modeling approach was demonstrated by a robot which was capable of riveting a variety of aircraft parts. The manufacturing cell was developed by McDonnell Douglass for the Air Force Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) Program. A modular approach was used which allows users to construct a model from a group of predefined models.
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1983
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