Directory of Vendors of Simulators, Related Services, and Applicable Computers
Article Abstract:
This directory includes vendors of aircraft simulators, communications simulators, electronics simulators, simulator components, and process simulators. Consultants and vendors of personal services, power plant simulators, supervisory control systems, data acquisition systems, engineering education, research and development and applicable computer systems are also included. Vendors name, address, and telephone and telex numbers are included, along with a description of the products of each.
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1985
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ASD Tests Pictorial Formats for Two-Seater Aircraft
Article Abstract:
The Aeronautical System Division of the United States Air Force has contracted with Boeing Military Airplane Company to develop pictorial formats to display flight control, navigation, weapons status, emergency procedures, and tactical information to pilots and weapons system operators on military aircraft. Boeing simulators are being used to test the new display technologies along with voice control systems under development.
Publication Name: SIMULATION
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0037-5497
Year: 1985
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