Tame process thermal hazards using calorimetry
Article Abstract:
The identification and quantification of thermal hazards in the design of safety systems can be done through the use of concepts and data provided by chenical thermodynamics, kinetics and calorimetry. The process hazard analysis involves four steps: deskstop screeing of the reaction components for potential thermal hazards, determination of the thermal stability of the components, isothermal characterization of the process and adiabatic characterization of the reaction mixture.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 1999
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This in-situ analyzer monitors tail gas of Claus plants
Article Abstract:
Applied Analytics Inc has introduced a solid-state tail-gas analyzer for in situ examination of sulfur-containing compounds in Claus plants. It is able to measure from 190 to 1,100 nm spectra, with a 1-nm resolution. It has an absorption range of two absorbency units (AU) compared to the 1 AU range of most analyzers. It is also half the size of comparable units and costs 40% less.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0009-2460
Year: 1999
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