HBF's 'worst fears' confirmed by decision on Berks' allocation
Article Abstract:
The recent failure by the House Builders Federation (HBF) in its High Court action to overturn Berkshire County Council's housing allocation up to the year 2006 has prompted the organisation to call for the rules on certification of structure plans to be redefined. Under the current system, users have no confidence in the independent process of examination, according to the HBF. It is also calling on environment secretary John Gummer to strengthen his powers to intervene in the process.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1996
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Old digs face a rocky path under new rules. (government guidance aims to update obsolete quarrying permissions0
Article Abstract:
A new government guidance plans to update obsolete quarrying permissions which has been welcomed by minerals planners and environmentalists. However thee are concerns that some operators could continue to use outmoded methods despite the guidelines. Active sites are to be reviewed and operators will have to submit new schemes for approval by the authorities.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1995
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Ruralists call for easing of councils' policy grip
Article Abstract:
The Rural Development Commission wants local authorities to loosen their grip on social and economic development in rural areas. In its policy statement it calls for sustainable development without placing a hold on economic activities and believes that future development should not be solely confined to larger towns or urban centres.
Publication Name: Planning Week
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 1352-8424
Year: 1995
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